Tuesday, May 01, 2007 Shalom
everyone, Yesterday for the
first time in several weeks I met my friend Shaul
for coffee in the Shuk. That is Shuk
Mahaneh Yehudah where all
the nobodies of town come to expound their opinions to each other on the
pretext of doing the weekly shopping. The media even
asks our opinions on the unimportant matters of the day on the pretext of
getting public opinion. Yesterday they
put a microphone in front of me and I told them I didn't think the Winograd report on the conduct of the last Lebanon War
was important to me. I take myself as a representative of the man in the
street. I'm not saying it
wasn't important. I'm only saying that for the man in the street it's not important.
Its only importance is for the heads of the government and the army. I, Mr. plain
citizen am only interested in the outcome. So far the
outcome has been quite good, namely for nearly a year there has been peace
and quiet on our Northern border for the first time in about 30 years. I am
sure that the longer this tranquil situation continues the more permanent it'll
become. The trouble is we
don't appear to have been victorious. That's what bothering everybody. People
like to appear to be victorious. They absurdly prefer that to peace and
quiet. I prefer peace and quiet. Yesterday I spent
a good half hour noting all the concerts, lectures and movies available in
May and June. Israeli society has this bad habit of cramming all my kind of
cultural events into these two months. Naturally it's because March and April
are holiday times and academics and artists are off entertaining in other
parts of the world or they're just busy with Purim, Pesach, Independence day,
Memorial day and all sorts of other religious non cultural events. At the same time
I had a few requests for tours. So I'll have to jump around between
entertainment and work. I also have to find time to visit the library. We have a
magnificent library in Yesterday I was
determined that Summer is here and walked around without my jacket. I was
okay in the middle of the day when temperatures hit about 26 but was chilled
to the bone waiting for the bus at 10 in the evening after seeing the movie
"Sunshine". I have never seen
a less heroic looking bunch of people (teenage looking kids) doing a more
heroic thing (saving the sun) than I saw in that movie. Those kids,
despite all their childish squabbles actually saved the world from
destruction by a religious fanatic who was set on preventing the world from
getting saved so that in death all mankind could unite with God. Wishing you a
great no news day. Yours truly. |